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January in NYC

With so much going on in this amazing city, there’s something new to do each week, to explore, to see, to eat, and to learn.

The fabulous Greenwich Village. The walk along Bleecker Street (which has a couple of records stores and where I picked up a Radiohead and a Beatles posters). Snowboarding in Vermont. I’ve laughed a month’s worth during this trip. 6 hours drive upstate, amazing conversations, good food by Chef HL, freezing weather where I had my wet hair literally frozen as a result of running back from the ski resort’s club house back to our house, and of course, a few friendships that formed along the way.

Then there was the dinner with the housemates. It finally happened now that everyone’s settled in and not travelling. Dinner was at this Italian restaurant (Don Giovanni) just a few blocks away. So here we are, Ashley, Sona, and myself, all so similar (25, females, career-minded, love a bit of fun), and yet so different at the same time (fashion designer, finance-chic, and advertising, Caucasian, Indian, Chinese). And of all places, we met through Craigslist.

Life is New York City is off to a good start.